
♥ Tuesday, April 28, 2009♥

Hello! This is my new post. Now, I finally post. Happy? Satisfied? Today got oral examination so I need to stay back. Both the English and Chinese oral are much easier than what I have imagined! But, surprisingly, my English oral is not as good as my Chinese one. After I finished taking my Chinese oral, guess what the teacher says? Very good! You may go.


♥ Saturday, April 18, 2009♥

Yo! Sheryl here.
I help Eng xin post the latest post n the shoumix n everthing.
Ain't i great?
Paisehh,jus bhb-ing again.
Tag more, ppl(both here n my own blog)
Oh yeah n, tag to be linked yea?

Last long,smile more n study hard.
Dun stress urself to much
Learn to relax yea?
Love ya♥


♥ ♥

My second post.
I m feel very stress bcos of the exams,which r coming son.
I doubt i will top the class n get gd grades.
Bcos,thre is oral,listening comprehension n writing.

I really wish to get gd results n top the class.
