
♥ Friday, May 22, 2009♥

Hi everyone! Here I am! Today is good and fine. No worries and unhappiness. By the way, today when playing floor ball, I could not dribble the ball slowly and the ball keep rolling away. It was irritating. Nonetheless, i still like this sport. I had joined these modular PE: swimming( P3), rollerblading(P4), bowling ( P4-after exams, for us to unwind a little bit) and lastly floor ball. The one I like most is rollerblading. How about all of you? Back to Mathematics lesson, Miss Hon asked us to play some puzzles using toothpicks and coins. It was enlighting and engaging.

OK, bye bye. I am going to pack my bag for tomorrow's brownie Southern's meet.

Have a nice day. Sleep tight, sweet dreams.


♥ Sunday, May 10, 2009♥

Wish all the mothers a happy mother day!


♥ Tuesday, May 5, 2009♥

To all my friends, especially Azziyah

Friendship Poem

Somewhere the Sun is Shining

Somewhere the sun is shining,
and the clouds are not in sight.

Somewhere someone's laughing,
and talking about what might.

What might have been another year,
for us to spend together.

What might have been another time,
that I could cherish forever.

Somewhere two people laugh and joke,
and carry on all day.

Talk about their past and future,
in an extraordinary way.

They talk about the last few years,
and how they made a bond.

They found it funny they both were different,
but both especially fond.

Fond of each other everyday,
so genuine and true.

A friend to tell of all your worries,
if ever you were blue.

To trust with all my secrets,
and keeping yours close to heart.

Knowing you will comfort me,
and sharing all our art.

Somewhere the sun is shining,
and we will meet again.

Become the friends we always were,
and talk about what's been.

Although you're gone I know you're here,
to help me through hard times.

Help me make the right decisions,
when I don't see the signs.

Somewhere the sun is shining,
and you will be in my heart.

For you were more like a sister to me,
and we shall never part.

This is the time to let you know,
how much I really cared.

I love you for you no matter what,
and cherish the moments that we shared.


♥ Monday, May 4, 2009♥

Today, early in the morning when i went to school. The back gate closed. Sigh! Then i had to walk a big round to the front gate. 这样麻烦!So, I get mocked by my classmates say i late lol!
