
♥ Thursday, July 16, 2009♥

Last Saturday, the Primary 5 pupils ( include me) went to the NE Show. We had to reach the school at 1, that's too early I think. I had to gobble up my lunch. In school, the teachers kept addressing us on stage, so naggy, but we got a fun pack / sling bag for NDP. It had many spomsors. There were many things inside the bag : information booklet, the natural confectionary company sweets, chocolate and lemon puff biscuits, H2o drink, chrysanthem and ruo han guo drink, torch, drum, sweets and lots more. Later, they gave us our dinner, which was Macdonald's chicken burger, apple pie and apple juice.

At about 3, we set off and board the buses. Wow! It was comfy! I sat on the comfortable seat and read the magazine that was in the sling bag. We soon alight at Marina Bay. We had to walk a distance before reaching the platform. At 5, we started eating our dinner. The chicken burger was delicious and the meat was succulent and tender.

At 7, the show started with the 1st chapter of a story- Sang Nila Utama. Mark Lee and some of other actors or stars came too. Mark lee rocks. I loved his comedies - the 国记交意所. The show was exciting with amazing fireworks, outstanding parachuters and lots more............

Just a few minutes before the show ended, it started pouring. We quickly put on our poncho and ran to our bus. Haiz.................soooooooooooo unlucky.

But the show was fun. I did not get down with flu the next day.


♥ Saturday, July 4, 2009♥

Hi everyone! Sorry, I am very busy with my homework so I never post since 20th June 2009. Yesterday, I went to my cousin's house for a sleepover as my parents went to Malaysia to attend their relatives' wedding dinner. I wake up early in the morning at about 7. After doing all my "businesses", I took my belongings along with and head for my cousin's house.

When I reached her house, she was brushing her teeth. Heehee! She was later than me! I went to the guest room to unpack my luggage. Secondly, I just took out some homework which I have brought to pass time. Meanwhile, my cousin was cooking her signature dish,fried noodles which i like the most.

After about 10 minutes, the noodles were ready. Hot piping noodles were now being chewed in my mouth. I ate heartily. After eating my breakfast, my aunt switched on the television and I did my homework while watching the television.

At 1, there was no more interesting and captivating televison programmes thus I went to eat some fruits- mangosteen. It was juicy and delicious. Afterthat, i heard my stomach started rumbling, so I went to take my lunch.

Shortly after lunch, I switched on the laptop to look for information and chat. I chat with Yu Ting, Azziyah, Jia Hui and Sheryl. Actually, I could not find much information about the sea creatures living in the Pacific Ocean.

My uncle came back at 3. We chat for some time before we head to the hawker centre to have dinner. After dinner, we switched on the television and watched 爱。It was not interesting so I just played around, looking for games to play.

At 8, i went to shower. After showering, I played poker cards with my cousin. We both won a lot. That was a fun game! I loved it! We chat and play laptop until 11 then we went to bed.

Haiz............. But my mum only let me sleepover one day.
