
♥ Tuesday, March 30, 2010♥

Hey guys! Recently busy with homework. I decided to post some pictures to entertain your( free clutches from homework)

Who is the spy?

Any comments about this pic?



♥ Sunday, March 28, 2010♥

Giraffe In A Pub

A guy wanders into a pub one evening followed by a giraffe. They sit down, and over a number of hours get extremely drunk. As the bar is shutting, the man goes to leave.

The man behind the bar yells "Oi mate. You can't leave that lying there!"

The drunk turns around and says, "OI mate, it isn't a lion, its a giraffe!"

The man with the bloody finger .....
One night an old lady was sitting watching TV in her house when the phone rang.She answered it. A mans voice said: "I'm the man with the bloody finger. I'm 10 steps away from your house."

The old lady signed and went back to watching TV.

Five minutes later the phone rang again. The man said: "I'm the man with the bloody finger and I'm 5 steps away from your house."

Scared the old lady sat back down and watched TV.

Two minutes later the phone rang again. The dark voice said: "I'm the man with the bloody finger and I'm two steps away from your house."

The old woman screamed. She turned off the TV, too scared to speak.

A couple of minutes later there was a thump thump thump! at the door. The old women shrieked but went to open it.

At the door stood a horrible man looking deathly at the old lady.

"I'm the man" He whispered, "With the bloody finger.... Could I have a bandage?"

Jock by Kate McPhillips, Musselbrugh



♥ Saturday, March 27, 2010♥

一个聪明的孩子和一个笨孩子去考口试,老师问聪明的孩子;"谁发明了电灯","爱迪生","谁发现了雷","居里夫人",谁发现了地球有引力","牛 顿",100分,聪明的孩子为了帮笨孩子把答案告诉了他,老师问;"你爸是谁","爱迪生","你妈是谁","居里夫人","谁告诉你的","牛顿".



♥ Thursday, March 25, 2010♥

I came across these pictures when browsing through some of the images on the Internet. Do you think they are funny?

See this! So cute. Even animals know what is humour!


Frog: Hurry up and blow 'em out before we get sunburn.


Apply sunblock!


♥ Wednesday, March 24, 2010♥

Wanna see some funny things and scary ones .........................................?
Simply visit these websites.




♥ Thursday, March 11, 2010♥

Cheers, to all my friends. We had a busy year in Primary 5. And now....................... the reality we had to face............taking PSLE, the national examination. Actually, maintaining good results, to me, is hard. But for you, is it considered quite a formidable task? I hope not. As for academic results, I can be categorized into the" stocks and shares" group, never being stable. Like life, it is up and down.

I look forward to building good friendship with all my friends and classmates. I hope, all of you will do well in the PSLE. ME too.................! haha!

Do your hope to see a wishing star, what they called in chinese 流星 . Here is an imaginary one.
