
♥ Friday, April 30, 2010♥

Today was a new and refreshed Friday for me, but it was quite hectic too. Teachers were giving out many worksheets, every piece of "white jade" were strewn everywhere. My bag was very cumbersome and heavy. It was packed with numerous worksheets, some of them were even invading my other stuff. I had a hard time bringing my " armour" home!

To all my friends: All the best to your exams !!!!!!!!


♥ Friday, April 16, 2010♥

Friends? What are they for? This question may sound ordinary and most people can answer it, but their answers are mostly incomplete, they just do not understand the real meaning behind it. My answer to this question is never the same,like the weather, sometimes shine, with a huge gust or with pattering rain. Friendship never sinks, it never does if it is a real one, with sturdy and authentic materials to make them.Building a boat needs great care too, the same goes for friendship..........

My besties are huge gusts of wind, swirling in different directions all the same. Sometimes, they have a foul temper, my mood is also spoilt. They simply don't talk and give me that look.


What a great sigh. Yeah, it is never the same


♥ Tuesday, April 13, 2010♥



我们一起努力吧! 加油加油!




♥ Monday, April 12, 2010♥

Me here again! Today was an ordinary Monday, with usual supplementary classes. I met my prefect latecoming duty " friends". The boy was so cute.................... but don't know his name, so sadded.

But the worst thing is he quit already, do other duties..........................

haiz.................. things might change



♥ Saturday, April 10, 2010♥

Nowadays, my stomach kept craving for delicious food to taste. Nasi-lemak, laksa, instant noodles, fried noodles................ are my favourites and I would eat them with great relish, but eating is not cramming food into our stomach, but how about studies................................................................

Recently, schools have a lot of supplemantary classes for students as well as a wide range of tution centres. Studying has lost its real meaning, now students are studying for examinations in the long run.

In Japanese, they use the word"cram" as camming a child's brain with knowledge which is an ordeal for most children. Thus schools are called cram schools.

This is just an article I have read and I would like to share it with you!



♥ Friday, April 9, 2010♥





白色的向日葵,表示纯洁,那些真真付出的人, 每天照亮着。。。。。。。。。。。。


♥ Wednesday, April 7, 2010♥

This is the recipe for making brownies, but not me!

Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 40 minutes
Total Time: 60 minutes
8- 1 ounce squares of unsweetened chocolate
1 cup butter
5 eggs
3 cups sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla
1-1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon salt
2-1/2 cups chopped pecans or walnuts, toasted
Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Grease a 9 x 13 pan.
Melt chocolate and butter in a saucepan over low heat; set aside. In a mixer, beat eggs, sugar and vanilla at high speed for 10 minutes**. Blend in chocolate mixture, flour and salt until just mixed. Stir in the nuts. Pour into prepared pan.
Bake for 35-40 minutes. (Don't overbake.) Cool and frost if desired, but that is not necessary.
** It's not required, but this is when it's very nice to own a stand mixer.
This is one of the best brownie recipes.


♥ ♥

Hi! Earthlings....

Here at computer lab. Just finished the video clip. I am now discovering some new pictures and music, can't find some good ones, only sastifactory.

AND to all band members, good luck for your SYF!


♥ Sunday, April 4, 2010♥

Being a brownie is good,
but hard to maintain and uphold its real meaning and the term " brownie"

A brownie,
is considered an experienced one
and I am the senior
helping all my young earthlings (twinnies) to pass their tests for enrollment
and received the golden badge

Being 3 years of brownies
My uniform are still bare
Hope to receive more badges

Will this CCA holds fond memories for me? The answer is at the very moment that I joined Guides or other CCAs.................

Friends.....................will your CCA holds fond memories for you when this is your last year in BPS?



♥ Thursday, April 1, 2010♥

Today had a tiring day. We had supplementary lessons until 4.30 in the afternoon. Rough voice..............sweet voice...................low pitch.....................high pitch.....................rowdy cheers, this can be heard from the hall of Bendemeer primary school at around 10.30 in the morning. Ya, it was a chinese singing competition. All the competitors had a calm look on their faces, which was good, unlike me, if it was me, my forehead would have drops of perspiration from over anxiety. I think Joyce Neo sang quite well, her voice was very sweet and suited the whole song. She had picked the right song! Others, no comments? Haha. By the way, my hands are tired now..............


To all my friends, have a GOOD Friday and Aprils Fool Day.

Look at these pictures
